Friday, May 30, 2008

How to Use MySpace to Promote Your Business

People are beginning to realise that MySpace has alot of people looking around the site everyday. Do you know that there are over 200 Million users now. If you have watched Dr Phil you will have seen that there are plenty of people that focus on sex and use inappropriate language in MySpace. However, just like the offline world there are plenty of reasonable people left in MySpace that are looking to have problems solved and it's your job to offer a solution.

You may not believe me about MySpace. If you are not using MySpace to offer your products or services though, you are missing a really big audience.

I setup my own MySpace profile so that I could have yet another place to offer my Training, Wellness and Travel Web sites. Some good examples of promotion in MySpace would be Chris Pirillo’s page. Look at that bLaugh cartoon there, nice product placement. Another example would be Roy from ReviewMe.

It's up to you but you need to be where the people are, whether you like the sites or not. So you just Have to be in MySpace then. Just be yourself, let people know you first before your opportunity. You don’t have to do the hard sell just offer a solution to solve your targeted groups' problems. I have built a relatively large friends list in Facebook and I think that I meet alot of people in MySpace that are not in Facebook. There are Millions of people on the Internet and so you need to spread links to you website as wide as possible. These people might not visit your Web site without it.

If your not already my Friend in MySpace and Facebook join me using the following links:

Facebook Profile

MySpace Profile

Until next time

Phil Williams

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.