Like me you would have seen the Gas Price double over the past 12 months. The future is not looking any brighter either as supply becomes more limited and demand from countries like India and China is increasing as they discover the car.
So what can you do:
1. Buy barrels of Oil and wait for the price to go up. You don't physically have to store the barrels of oil this approach involves purchase on the futures market, but I won't go into detail about that here today.
2. Purchase a Hybrid car like the Toyota Prius and pay double the price for an equivalent car
3. Wait for production of a Hydrogen cell powered car.
4. Convert your car or truck to run on Water. What? I won't go into details here but in summary when you purchase the 2 E-Books at the Water4Gas site tells of using the Hydrogen that is contained in Water as a fuel source to run your car.
The system does work based on mechanic Mark's views, but does have problems that may not be made clear on the main websites sales letter. As Mark says
"If you are the kind of person that has a long highway commute this system will help you! If you do a lot of city driving in stop and go traffic You are probably best off passing on this offer."
As I am not a mechanic I refer to MasterTechMark for his Expert Mechanic Views
Mark's site is very comprehensive so have a good look around.
So how much can this Save on My Gas Bills?
Well this will be different for everyone depending on how much you drive.
But doubling your Gas Mileage has been mentioned in many of the testomonials on the Water4Gas Website.
I also wanted to show you the popularity of the Water4Gas website.
Take a look at the graph below. Everyday people are wanting to reduce their Fuel Bills so how can you benefit? Firstly, install the Water4Gas system or get someone to do it for you, all the parts you need to get are laid out in the E-Books.
Secondly, start telling people about the Water4Gas E-Books you can do this by becoming a Water4Gas affiliate. Take a look at this they have some fantastic resources for your marketing including PPC Keywords, Email ads, Banners, Car Magnets, Classified Ad sites etc.
So this can also means that if you save someone some money they have the potential to join your business because they now have the money to do it.
Also if these people become successful in there Home Based Business they won't be driving as much and this will further reduce any Environmental Impact.
Cheers for Now.
Hi Phil
just like to make a quick comment on the first Item on your list. One of the main reasons that prices are so high is because people are buying oil futures. This keeps on driving the price upwards. Since the downturn in the US economy everyone has been buying commodities like oil and gold, to protect the value of their investments.
Speculators are cashing in on the instability of the world economy so the actual prices do not truly reflect the real supply and demand
encouraging people to buy more oil futures would only cause the prices to increase more.
Hey, Phil -
Good info there for those who can use it to their advantage right now.
I just put up a new site entitled "116 Easy and Quick Ways to Cut Your Gasoline Costs up to 25%, 50%, or More Starting TODAY” at
This is a new resource EVERYONE can use TODAY regardless of other circumstances. The only ‘requirement’ to using this resource is that the person 'drives' a car or truck.
Check it out and see if you think it makes sense. I also priced it under $20 so everyone can afford to get a copy... :-) ...
All the best -
Chip Tarver
Also if these people become successful in there Home Based Business they won't be driving as much and this will further reduce any Environmental Impact.
This is the key success...
Michael Curry
Hi Phil,
Great post. Erik and I have been involved in alternative energy sources for years. He may be a brilliant business writer, but you should see him on the weekends with his little survival pack and his various ways to make fire without flame... but I digress.
Clearly, gasoline powered engines are in control because the economy allows for it. Real competition is often shut down by those with the money and power to do so. Not for long.
Thank you for your post, I'm sure it will get lots of buzz.
Heather Olson
The Profit Center, Inc
Hey Phil and friends...
Thanks for the info on saving money. I think that we could all use a bit more of it right now.
Saving on gas isn't the only place you can save some serious money though.
Here is the Bad Times Buster package that helps you save money 62 different ways at the gas pump and 14 other places as well as help for you credit scores, how to prosper in hard times and more. 9 different guides to show you how to stop just surviving in hard times and how to thrive in them.
Plus it comes with full resale rights so you can share it with all of your friends!
Peace you guys,
I agree with Jonesey - to be honest, I'm not too knowledgeable about the whole gas thing, but there are definitely tons of ways to be more economic overall.
There's a great blog called the Simple Dollar - most of you guys probably heard of it already, with this dude Trent Hamm.
It's pretty insightful - Trent's got me thinking about making my own homemade laundry detergent!
Peace y'all
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