2. Wanna-be's want more web traffic. Entrepreneurs focus on sales conversion. Use a marketing system that closes the sales FOR you! You do not want to be a sales person. You also want a system that will do this for your new members as well, giving you the ability to earn ridiculous amounts of residual income.
3. Wanna-be's focus on positive thinking. Entrepreneurs plan for multiple contingencies. Positive thinking is important but you are not a Jedi, yet. You cannot move things with your mind or conjure money out of thin air. Positive thinking will only get you so far. You must have Positive thinking combined with specific, targeted action.
4. Wanna-be's want to get on TV and get "famous." Entrepreneurs build their businesses and their list. Let the ego go. Your only goal is to make as much money as possible as quickly as possible. This will inspire others to do the same.
5. Wanna-be's seek a perfect plan and wait for the perfect time. Entrepreneurs execute and take action when they see an opportunity. Entrepreneurs accept educated risk and are able to make big decisions quickly once they have all the information. Make a decision and take some risk. No successful entrepreneur accomplished any significant by playing it safe!
6. Wanna-be's wait for their lucky break. Entrepreneurs take responsibility and create their OWN circumstances.
7. Wanna-be's fear looking stupid in front of their friends. Entrepreneurs willingly risk making fools of themselves, knowing that long-term success is a good trade for short-term loss of image. Don't listen to your friends and family-They are BROKE. They have zero credibility as far as financial decisions are concerned. Surround yourself with people who have results and do what they do. This is the only way to fast track your wealth.
8. Wanna-be's shield their precious ideas from harsh reality, postponing the verdict of success or failure until 'someday.' Entrepreneurs expose their ideas to cold reality as soon as reasonably possible. Don't be afraid to look stupid. That is just ego screwing with you. One way to know you are on the right track is when you lose anything in common with all of your brokes friends and family. They don't count, unless you want their results! PERIOD!
9. Wanna-be's put off practicing basketball until they've got Air Jordan's. Entrepreneurs practice barefoot behind the garage. Stop waiting for the perfect time, the perfect opportunity, the perfect situation. Take decisive action now and stop procrastinating.
10. Wanna-be's believe what they're told. Entrepreneurs do original research and make their own decisions. Do your due diligence and follow you gut. It will rarely lead you astray.
11. Wanna-be's believe they can do anything. Entrepreneurs use systems and technology to solve the variables that most people struggle with.
12. Wanna-be's think about the world in terms of COULD and SHOULD. Entrepreneurs think in terms of IS and CAN BE.
You can have it all if you really believe you can. Figure out who you are, what you want, and stop settling for less! Time to act